Draw times are 6:30 PM or 8:45 PM. Fixed teams.
This is a competitive league open to men's, women's and mixed teams that will play in a ladder draw format. This league is suitable for experienced curlers of various skill levels.
The League can accommodate up to 20 teams (80 curlers maximum) and operates in a ladder format with four divisions (A thru D). This will ensure a suitable level of competition among the teams. The season consists of a series of round robin sessions (generally four weeks in duration) established by the League Convenor. Divisions are adjusted following each draw based on teams' overall record. A play-off format at the end of the season will determine Club Champions in each Division.
Teams play together throughout the year and should be submitted during registration. Single players are welcome to express their interest in playing and the League Convenor will endeavour to find them placement on an existing team with an open position.
Eight-end games of 2 hours maximum have start times at 6:30 pm and 8:45 pm alternating each week.